Project Overview

Hello there!

I am Brey, a Data Science student at Unversidad Oberta de Catalunya. This is my portfolio website, where you will find all of my public projects.

I am passionate about basketball, so that will be the theme for a lot of my articles, but I will also explore some other topics to try to cover all the necessary skills to be a complete Data Analyst/Data Scientist.

Your feedback is more than welcome, so please feel free to contact me at

Project Categories

Data Cleaning / Data Wrangling

These projects are mostly about cleaning datasets and putting them in the format needed for analysis. The 80% part of the job!

Data Analysis / Data Visualization

Exploring data using basic analytics tools and visualizations to uncover the most fundamental insights that our datasets have to offer.

SQL Queries

Getting data needed for analysis by writing SQL queries. Who doesn’t like some good ol’ SQL?

Statistics / Machine Learning

All about Machine Learning models and statistical tools to uncover the hidden insights in our datasets. Let’s get nerdy!

APIs / Web Scraping

Getting data directly from servers/websites when it is not possible to directly download it in a usable format.

PowerBI / DAX

Projects using PowerBI and DAX, two of the most important and widely used tools in the Business Intelligence world.

Soft Skills

In this section, I will talk about more general abilities that I think are still equally important (but usually under-discussed), like emotional intelligence or social skills.

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